nsb_lecture_grade_formula.xls |
Here is the excel sheet again for figuring out your final grade.
Go to Springboard and find out your Youtube Average, Clicker Average, and Exam Scores. You will also need your lab grade, which you may or may not have yet. Based on your grades in lab, come up with a rough estimate. Then plug the grades into the excel sheet. That way, you can know your final grade going into the exam.
I will grade your exams once EVERYONE is finished - the check on questions and see what has to be dropped. Therefore, I won't have a final grade until late Friday night. You will be able to check your final grades Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and I will submit them to the University on Tuesday. After Tuesday, they cannot be changed. So please, make sure everything is correct BEFORE I officially submit them.
The following is UA's grade breakdown
93% - 100% A
90% - 92% A-
87% - 89% B+
83% - 86% B
80% - 82% B-
77% - 79% C+
73% - 76% C
70% - 72% C-
67% - 69% D+
63% - 66% D
60% - 62% D-
0% - 59%F