Why technology? Why is technology important for my students and me?
The link to the uatech site for creating blogs is here.
The blog rubric is here. Here is a brief synopsis of how we will be graded for out blog:
1. Title (1pts)
2. Explanation of the topic (s) you are going to address (3pts)
3. Reflections on what you learned about teaching, learning and technology (6 Pts)
4. Images--topic or your work (3pts)
5. Links, downloads, or film clip of what you are learning (2pts)
6. Statements of how or why this is important to you and your classroom or students (2pts)
7. Teachersfortomorrow.net blog reading/comment and statement of your comment (1 pt)
8. Add categories tag to each blog (1pt)
9. Comment on your blog buddies posts --Sunday at 12:00 AM (1pt)
I feel that blogging is an excellent method of understanding how students work. When students detail how assignments made them feel, how their though-processes occur, and their likes and dislikes, it can help me as a teacher create better, more inclusive assignments. This is like when teachers used to have you keep a paper journal - but the technology has made it so teachers and students have access to the materials at any time of day or night, students can't forget their assignment at home, and feedback can be immediate.
I could use a method like this type of blog in my classroom at UA for understanding how students feel about their labs, finding out what they find challenging or useful, and brainstorming. Rather than turning in a handwritten worksheet, my students could create a blog post each time they come to lab. They could also post videos or picture of themselves doing the assignments.