Below will be the items we are using in the first day of class.
Hello! Welcome to Natural Science Biology Lecture. Below will be the items we are using in the first day of class. What to do today?•Log on to •Make sure that you can view the syllabus and clicker registration guide. •Register your clicker •Make a comment on the first day’s post. –What would you like to hear about in a Biology class? –Can animals be superstitious? – Please use your real name and UA email.
Blake Williams
8/22/2011 12:17:16 am
Looks good. Looking forward to getting started with everything!
Rachel Dodson
8/22/2011 12:43:38 am
I would like to hear more about the whole idea of animals and superstitious behaviors. I feel that animals can play a part in superstitions, such as the idea that a black cat walking in front of your path is bad luck. I feel there may be hidden ideas behind all animals within different cultures, animals can make good luck and bad luck, most of the time it only depends on what you believe.
Kathleen Mitchell
8/22/2011 12:56:53 am
I am interested in learning about the bacteria unit, and how it can be harmful to humans. Any fun stories that go with what we are learning will be a nice addition as well. As for the idea that animals can be superstitious, i think it can be possible. I doubt they will follow our type of superstitions, but they may have their own that they abide by.
Anthony Robinson
8/22/2011 01:00:45 am
I would like to learn about how we can use the resources we currently have to develop new food. As well as finding newer and better ways to help conquer the issues of world hunger. Animals may be superstitious but I doubt it, and if they were how would we truly be able to prove that they are.
Jennifer Harsh
8/22/2011 01:03:55 am
I would like to hear more about DNA and how our genetics are formed and developed.
Frank Moses
8/22/2011 01:27:01 am
I am interested in learning/solidifying my understanding of science as a human endeavor that is based on empirical data. As a future educator, I believe that it is mandatory to preserve the rightful place of science in education. Pseudoscience has no place in education. Do ID, anti-evolution and global-warnming denial in sunday-school or a religion class, or else we take a big leap back to the dark ages as a society.
Elizabeth Magolas
8/22/2011 01:28:14 am
I'd like to learn about animal behaviors and altruism. I believe animals are superstitious. Although, I agree with Anthony implying that we may not be able to prove it. My cat tends to go to the same places at about the same time of the day every day. This could just be conditioning or comfort.
Cory Glasser
8/22/2011 02:02:15 am
I would like to learn about how every action has an impact on the environment and how animals adapt to certain environments. Also, I don’t think that animals have superstitions, but they just follow their instincts.
Amy Smith
8/22/2011 02:55:52 am
I am interested in learning about animals, studing their behaviors and about life. I believe that animals can be superstitious, depending on how they act and adapt to their environments. I also agree with Frank that if it involves non-human animals, then they can't possibly be superstitious unless they can perform superstitious qualities.
Cynthia Donnelly
8/22/2011 03:55:36 am
I would like to hear about our impact as humans on the earth and how we are going to fix everything that we are ruining. I think that animals can be superstitious just like humans are. Superstitions, to me, are natural reactions that animals and people have when they are unsure about a situation.
Tim Hornbeck
8/22/2011 04:07:18 am
In a Biology class I would like to hear things that help me obtain a greater understanding about things that affect me everyday. Such as the various amounts of ecosystems we interact with. I also believe that animals have superstitions. There are behaviors in animals that humans observe that are unable to be explained. Most people would consider this superstition.
Luke Holmes
8/22/2011 04:18:58 am
Throughout the Biology course I would like to gain understanding about the foundations of human life. The debate about superstitious animals is complicated one. I think animals have a set of learned behaviors and will act in certain ways dependent upon their previous experience in similar or the same situations.
Star Coia
8/22/2011 04:44:18 am
I would like to learn more about genetics. I want to learn how we inherit certain traits. I would also like to learn how our population size effects the world and what accommodations have to be made because of the population size. I do believe that animals may have superstitious traits/ characteristics but I believe that they mostly rely on instinct.
Becca Wetzel
8/22/2011 04:53:54 am
What I would like to gain form taking this course is just a more clear understanding of thee basic principals of biology. I plan to go into a type of medical field (physical therapy), and could of taken different science course for my major, but I thought biology was interesting back in high school, so I thought I would like to get a little bit a more in depth look of basinal principals. I believe in a sense that animals are superstitious, in a sense. Not superstitious in a sense like humans, but I have realized that you can somewhat manipulate their superstitions more easily than you can a humans.
Steve Shurtleff
8/22/2011 05:53:49 am
I would like to learn the evolution of animals and how different species evolved from a specific animal. As far as animals being superstitious, i believe that they have natural reactions as well as us humans, but this is definitely an interesting topic to be discussed in class.
Kristi Trompower
8/22/2011 05:54:10 am
I am interested in learning about genetics and the evolution of animals. I don't think that animals are superstitious. They have heightened instincts more so than humans. Also it's most likely just typical behavior or genetic motivation on their part. I guess we would need to define superstitious. But even then, it would involve supertition being a belief or feeling against some logic or reason. Surely, animals don't have logic and cannot reason. Therefore animals cannot be superstitious.
Brea Moore
8/22/2011 06:01:52 am
I would think it possible an animal has a brain that functions. We do also ours is just higher functioning. Why is it not plausible then that we share that thought pattern we share the same primal instincts. In any case this will be extremly interesting to learn.
June Stephens
8/22/2011 06:24:07 am
Hi! I am really quite fascinated by biology, which is good because I'm planning on being a science teacher. I have always had a particular interest in genetics as well as the whole system of binomial nomenclature. In regards to animals being superstitious, I believe that animals have instincts, which could be misconstrued by humans as being superstitions.
Shana DeBerte
8/22/2011 07:14:05 am
I would like to hear and learn about animal behavior and diversity during this biology course. I do not think animals are superstitious, but I do believe they can sense certain things such as danger, threats, and storms.
Jared Fagnano
8/22/2011 07:33:05 am
I would like to hear about the bacteria unit, it seems interesting. I do not think animals are superstitious.
Erin Konitsney
8/22/2011 07:55:16 am
I would like to learn more about how animals behave. I believe animals are superstitious but not in the way humans are.
Paul Brennan
8/22/2011 08:11:58 am
I'm interested in learning how our immune system counter acts sickness, diseases, and viruses. As far as superstition goes, I don't believe that animals are superstitious. While I think that certain animals are very intelligent, I believe that human beings exclusively have the ability to not only imagine and comprehend, but we can use our abilities to build and create things that animal could ever be capable of achieving. I believe animals use logic, but I don't think they are capable of being superstitious.
Allie Wood
8/22/2011 08:35:36 am
I would like to learn about why animals do certain things and participate in certain behaviors. The one behavior I would like to learn about is how animals know when a storm is coming and why they act the way they do.
Katelyn Grenfell
8/22/2011 08:54:58 am
There are many things I am looking forward to learning in this class. One in particular would be bacteria and its affects of humans. I am also interested in learning about our environment and how we have affected it and animals.
Greg Barnes
8/22/2011 08:56:36 am
I would just like to hear and learn about DNA, the structures of it. Also I believe that genetics and how we became the person that we are today would be pretty interesting to learn about. Also, I do not believe that animals are superstitious because they do not go around performing rituals the way that humans do. I mean have you ever seen a dog not walk on a crack?
8/22/2011 08:59:06 am
This year in biology I would like to learn more about how animals have such good instincts. I would also like to learn more about humans. I do not think animals are superstitious, but they just have really good instincts.
Emily Suciu
8/22/2011 09:05:23 am
I am actually really looking forward to going to this class. Biology interests me because it isn't about memorizing formulas, its real life. I would like to learn more about bacteria and why we need some bacteria and yet there are other forms of bacteria that can be so incredibly harmful to our bodies or resistant to medicine and vaccines. I do not think animals can be superstitious. They may have superstitious behaviors at times, like knowing with an owner is sad or when a storm is coming, but I think that is just the way they are.
Danielle Fording
8/22/2011 09:14:23 am
I would like to learn about evolution, and how every thing adapts over time. I believe it is possible that animals can be superstitious.
Emily Hamilton
8/22/2011 09:31:25 am
In class this semester I would be interested to learn how to apply the information to everyday life. Practical ways to help the environment incited by the data we study.
Amber Skoff
8/22/2011 10:32:31 am
Biology is pretty interesting to me. From plants, to animals, to how the human brain works, it really makes you think about why it has such a huge affect on our environment and just humanity in general. I'd honestly like to learn about all of that. As for animals being superstitious, that never really crossed my mind. Now, that I think about it though, I believe that they could be. I mean even we subconsciously knock on wood; believe black cats are unlucky, so why wouldn’t animals believe in ideas as silly as those? I guess that's really what I'd like to learn because superstitions affect us way more than we realize.
8/22/2011 10:53:53 am
Hey, Amy! So excited to see you using your blog for this class. I am looking forward to using technology in your class, it will make for a great lecture!
Emma Wilkinson
8/22/2011 11:24:17 am
In class this semester I would like to learn more about DNA and genetics. I would really love to explore this part of Biology because it really interests me how people inherit certain traits based on there genetics and DNA. I have never been a huge fan of sciences but this semester I hope to be able to better understand it and how it relates to life.
Kellie Roudabush
8/22/2011 11:55:59 am
I am interested in learning about animals and how they react in different environments. And I am interested in learning about how DNA and genetics are passed on to new generations. I do not believe that animals are superstitious.
Monica Kung
8/22/2011 11:58:55 am
In this class this semester, I would like to learn more about how biology applies to our everyday life. I thought it would be interesting to see how any kind of science applies to our lives.
Mercedes Thompson
8/22/2011 11:59:29 am
I would like to learn more about genetics and DNA. I think they are very interesting topics.
Martin Storad
8/22/2011 11:59:33 am
In biology class this semester I would like to learn more about evolution and the genetic processes that accompany it.
Carly Jones
8/22/2011 12:00:51 pm
I am interested in many aspects of this course. I find biology fascinating, and would like to learn a wide variety of information and topics.
Lisa Lash
8/22/2011 12:01:35 pm
In class this semester I would like to learn more about DNA and Gene Expression. This topic interests me because this is what makes up us humans, our DNA and genetics. It's also interesting on where we came from, not only from our parents genes but further back. Also, this topic has many different controversies when it comes to the cloning of DNA, for example to make a designer baby.
Christine Suh
8/22/2011 12:03:13 pm
I would like to learn about possible theories on how the world was created, supported by scientific data, other than evolution. I do not believe animals can be superstitious because superstitions are based on man made beliefs. From what I'm guessing, animals don't come up with these beliefs as humans do.
Brandon Martin
8/22/2011 12:09:42 pm
I have not taken a biology class in a very long time, so I'm excited to see what it's all about again. Nothing in particular, just everything.
Blake Williams
8/22/2011 12:19:10 pm
I would like to learn about how organisms function. I would also like to learn more about cells and plants and animals. I do not believe that animals can be superstitious because I think that only the human brain has the ability to be superstitious. I don't believe animals brains are developed enough to be superstitious.
Aaron Maas
8/22/2011 12:43:55 pm
I would like to learn about the new things that science has revealed about the secrets biology holds!
Derrick Lockhart
8/22/2011 12:45:46 pm
I do not think animals can be superstition. I think that they may avoid practical based on it pass or genetics.
Sarah Dye
8/22/2011 01:10:24 pm
I feel like animals can be a part of superstitions but as far as being superstitious I feel like it is a human idea and animals can only be pawns within the idea but not have the idea themselves.
Angela Mitchen
8/22/2011 10:36:26 pm
First off, I have to say that I'm looking forward to this class. I was somewhat leary but now am excited to learn more about why things are the way that they are. I'm looking forward to learning more about DNA and finding out why I am the way that I am.
Katie Beals
8/22/2011 11:58:01 pm
I'm excited for this class because I think it is going to give me a true insight about what Biology is really about.I really don't think animals are superstitious because humans created such things and animals have no concept of them at all.
Nathan Long
8/23/2011 12:34:58 am
I'd like to learn more about animals and how they live their lives. I think that animals can be superstitious just as humans can be. But it may be more of just their instincs rather than actual superstition.
Ashley McCullough
8/23/2011 01:18:32 am
I am interested in learning about the environment and our affects on it because that is one thing that really interests me. I was going to major in environmental science or geology but wasn't sure what I could do with it. I do not think that animals are superstitious, but I do believe they are able to sense things that we are not.
Nicole Swartz
8/23/2011 01:24:08 am
I do believe animals can be superstitious because all animals have certain patterns of things they do. I would like to learn more about why we do the things we do.
Desirae Lucas
8/23/2011 01:27:38 am
Superstitious animals?! Nahhh. I dont think so... I mean dogs walk under ladders, and surely they dont hold their breathes around graveyards. I think something they "worry" about, animals do what their instincts tell them to do, or what they are trained to do. I guess you could teach your dog not to walk under the ladder, but they would be doing it for a treat, not to avoid bad luck.
Chalee Hostettler
8/23/2011 04:30:40 am
I think animals could be affected by superstition because they are motivated genetically just as humans, I wouldn't go as far to say for good luck they throw salt over there shoulder but I do believe they have certain instincts that could be linked to superstition
Julie Boston
8/23/2011 04:36:48 am
I would like to learn about how biology plays a role in my everyday life. I do not think that animals are supersitious but I do think that they know more than we think. They have a good sense of things but I do not think that can mean they are superstitous.
Emily Leong
8/23/2011 04:45:50 am
In this biology course, I would like to learn the different part of our ecosystem and their roles. I do believe that animals can be superstitious because I think it ties into how they know how to survive, given a situation.
Amber Heitzenrater
8/23/2011 05:18:00 am
I would like to learn more about the behavior of animals and how they adapt to certain environments. I would also like to learn about the way animals communicate with each other.
Brelynn Parisi
8/23/2011 05:19:07 am
I am interested in discussing DNA and genes. I have little knowledge on the topic and am looking forward to learning more.
Traci Stair
8/23/2011 05:20:57 am
In this course, I would like to learn more about DNA and genes. I think it's interesting to learn about what genes are transferred through generations in a family.
Lauren Rasnick
8/23/2011 05:52:01 am
I would like to learn more about DNA and the transferring of genes!
Jaehla Meacham
8/23/2011 05:52:34 am
I am interested in hearing about how the human body fights off sickness and disease. I also would like hear of some stories where antibodies got in the way of treatment for an illness because the antibodies identified the method of treatment as being harmful to the body.
Nicole Shoup
8/23/2011 06:45:45 am
I'm interested in learning more about DNA. I remember learning the basics in high school and I always found it interesting and I'm ready to go more in depth about the subject.
Hayley Hendrix
8/23/2011 06:54:26 am
I'm interested in learning about parasites and bacteria and things of that nature. I've always loved learning things like that and thinking, "Oh, gross! No way!"
Maram Matar
8/23/2011 07:28:53 am
hello! I am interested in learning about animals and their environment and how they live. I also am interested in genetics and DNA.
Elise Januszewski
8/23/2011 07:34:40 am
I would like to learn about animals and their behaviors. I'd also like to hear more about how the human body works and makes energy.
Andrew Babbitt
8/23/2011 08:22:10 am
I would like to learn more about animals and the natural wonders around us.
Rebecca Sampson
8/23/2011 08:26:57 am
I would love to learn more about how biology is used in everyday life. I do not believe animals have the complexity to be superstitious.
Joseph Demczuk
8/23/2011 08:52:59 am
I would just like to learn it all over again. I have not taken a biology since sophomore year in high school which has been 4 years already.
Justin Grund
8/23/2011 09:08:49 am
I'd like to learn more about evolution if it's covered in this class.
Abigail Rasor
8/23/2011 10:15:54 am
I feel that animals may be slightly superstitious because they routinely do things over and over again. When they are introduced to a new environment or situation, they act strangely and approach with caution.
Natalyia Calhoun
8/23/2011 10:43:56 am
A superstition is when a person believe they can receive good or bad luck by doing a ritual of some sort, so can animals be superstitious? I don't think so, but it all depends on how you look at the situation. A dog might receive dinner after spinning around, leading the dog to believe he will continue to receive dinner every time after he spins in a circle.
Catherine Potesta
8/23/2011 10:53:48 am
I would be interesting in learning more about subjects like bacteria and genetics. Both fascinate me in how complex they are, and yet the play large, sometimes crucial parts in our daily lives. I don't think animals are superstitious. I believe they can be cautious and sense when things are going to happen, like strong storms, but I don't think that animals are able to personify people in ways past their innate selves.
Michael Dull
8/23/2011 10:59:43 am
I'm interested in learning about life that cant be seen with the naked eye. All the atoms, cells, and bacteria that is swirling around me as I'm writing this are the things that make this world tick so understanding them means understanding the world.
Vanessa Reed
8/23/2011 11:04:46 am
I would like to learn more about Darwin and evolution. But I'm pretty excited about the whole class, science and the history of humans, the world, and all living things have always interested me. Also I don't believe animals can be superstitious. They might be scared or timid OG something after a bad experience, but I don't believe that is superstitious behavior.
Zachary Koczwara
8/23/2011 11:39:51 am
I am most interested in learning about the biology of the world around us, but not so much at the molecular level. Cells just aren't my thing.
Kenny Barker
8/23/2011 12:01:41 pm
i would like to learn how animals live and adapt to certain environments. I would also like to learn the ways biology is used in everday life.
Charles Dupre
8/23/2011 12:03:13 pm
I am interested in learning more about the theory of evolution and humanities impact on the ecosystem. I'd rather we no focus too much on cellular/micro biology to be frank.
Justin Gibbs
8/23/2011 12:10:11 pm
i hope to learn a lot in this class including about superstitions with animales
Deanna Miller
8/23/2011 01:10:34 pm
I would like to learn about genetics, and animal physiology, or really anything in biology sounds interesting. Its been a while since i have taken a biology course, so it will all be new to me.
Katelyn Giles
8/23/2011 01:14:53 pm
I look forward to the labs and working hands on with the beta! I also am excited to discuss the ideas of evolution and Darwin's theories.
Tiffanie Harouff
8/23/2011 01:15:02 pm
In this course, I am looking forward to learning more about evolution and natural selection.
Katie Lyons
8/23/2011 01:18:19 pm
This class seems like it could be interesting. I am not much of a science person but I will give it a whack! The lab is kind of boring so far, but I will try. I hope I'm able to keep my grade up! You seem really nice also (and that is definitely a plus)
Jordan Rivera
8/23/2011 01:18:47 pm
I don't believe that animals can be superstitious. They can learn behaviors that are cause and effect related, and repeat those behaviors to get what they desire, like food for example. I don't think animals have any way of knowing what being superstitious even is. Animals are trained to believe certain things, and to act a certain way. I guess depending on what example you use an animals behavior could be viewed by humans as superstitious, but to them they aren't.
Katie Lyons (again)
8/23/2011 01:21:46 pm
In class this semester, I would like to learn more about how biology has anything to do with my everyday life. I feel like it has nothing to do with it so I would like to know how it does. I don't think animals can be superstitious, I think they are just creatures of habbit.
Jordan Rivera
8/23/2011 01:28:10 pm
In this class I would like to learn about genetics, only because it interests me.
Danielle Nicholson
8/23/2011 02:07:54 pm
im excited to learn more about genetics this semester. it was my favorite thing to learn about in my high school biology class. Also DNA it's all so interesting.
Tom Macko
8/23/2011 02:51:33 pm
i don't believe animals can be superstitious, because humans and animals think quite differently than each other and if they were to be superstitious I believe it would be very different from how humans are.
Helen Hajdak
8/23/2011 03:03:06 pm
I'm excited to learn more about genetics, DNA, and where specific traits come from. I would also like to know how biology plays a role in my life, besides the obvious fact of being alive. I think animals can be superstitious, but not to the same extent as humans.
Allison Margevicius
8/23/2011 09:29:28 pm
I am interested in learning more about DNA and genetics. I like to see how biology effects my life and the lives around me.
Ashley Comodeca
8/23/2011 09:56:24 pm
I'm interested in learning more about certain things like cloning and/or stem cells and the research that follows. I think it's really interesting and it really makes me wonder if it is possible to make a clone of yourself or an animal.
melissa toalston
8/23/2011 10:47:25 pm
I would love learn about bacteria and stuff like that. it is weird, but also something that plays a huge role in life. and then, I do think animals can be superstitious. they seem to realize things that humans can't. they seem to know or recognize a change in the environment
Joe Cochran
8/23/2011 11:04:46 pm
Yes, I do believe that animals can be superstitious. Many people I know with pets point out that they h
Joe Cochran
8/23/2011 11:11:21 pm
Yes, I do believe that animals can be superstitious. Many people I know say that their pets have quirky habits. They don't think anything of these habits, they merely believe that it makes their pets unique. In my opinion, these habits are actually superstitions that these animals have formulated over time.
Kayla Scalia
8/24/2011 12:04:01 am
I would love to learn about DNA and gentics. Also any interesting information to make the class more enjoyable. To the question can animals be superstitious? I think they can though not in the same way humans are but in there own way yes.
Vincent Jones
8/24/2011 12:11:30 am
I do not think that animals have superstition only for the simple facet that they do not have a conscience like humans do.the reason why they do what they is only because of instinct or they have been trained to do a certain thing.In this class I would be interested in gaining a better understanding of how animals interact with each other.
Kerry Finan
8/24/2011 02:50:00 am
So i posted the response we had for homework to your day two section and am now correcting my possible error.
Sarah Meno
8/24/2011 03:28:37 am
I think animals can be superstitious. Dogs/other animals can tend to predict storms coming and such. I am excited to learn about the human body, and how it works!
kalie kormushoff
8/24/2011 11:28:36 am
Animals have ways that they do things and notice causal relationships.
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AuthorAmy Hollingsworth is The Natural Science Biology Lab Coordinator and Part-time Lecturer. She is also working on a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on STEM education Archives
April 2014